Sunday, January 6, 2013

Exam Preparation Tips


It needn’t be the case, just follow the directions to achieve great results every time, Insha’Allah.

1. Always, always, always begin with Bismillah.

2. Examine your niyaah (intention) and correct it if necessary.

3. Honour your teachers no matter how strange their teaching methods seem to you. Respect and reverence for teachers are amongst the distinguishing marks of being a Muslim student.

4. Begin making preparations well before the examinations begin. Plan out a REALISTIC timetable that will result in you having covered [or at least scanned] all the material well before your first exam. Use this final period to look at and attempt past exam papers and to compensate for any unforeseen delays.

5. Use your teachers. If you have a problem, ASK!! You will find the vast majority of teachers only to happy to help [and inadvertently give out many heavy hints as to what's on exam paper!]

6. Always revise with a sheet of paper at hand so that you can build up a list of topics which you want to discuss with your teachers. DON’T rely on your memory. If you do, you will only be reminded when you are in the exam hall trying to answer a question on your forgotten queries.

7. When revising make notes. It may seem as though you are just reproducing your notes, but perservere, believe it or not what you are doing is one of the most effective ways of revising.

8. Give yourself regular breaks, but make sure that they don’t go on for longer than intended.

9. Make sure you are unlikely to be disturbed whilst studying. This means turning off the TV and asking others to answer the phone. Discipline pivotal to success.

10. Turn off the radio. Listening to haram music takes the barakah [blessings] out of your studies. If you absolutely must listen to something try some nasheeds [Islamic Songs]

11. Always iron out problems as soon as possible. If you don’t then you may well encounter problems when trying to understand the work that comes later.

12. If you are getting frustrated and feel as though you are getting nowhere then try to take comfort that from the saying of the Prophet: “For him who embarks on a path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to Paradise.” [Muslim].

13. If you are having problems calming your nerves on exam day, remind yourself of the ultimate purpose of life and indeed the ultimate examination; before Allah [SWT] on the Day of Judgement. This should help you to put your present worries into context.

14. Before you begin on the exam paper, take a couple of minutes out to supplicate to your Lord, asking Him to grant you success only on the condition that it’s good for your deen and patience in the event that it’s not. Then begin in the name of Allah.

15. As you come out of the exam hall, remember to thank Allah if the exam went well. If however it didn’t go as well as you had hoped, put your trust in Him. Know that such things are sent to test us and are an opportunity for us to shed some of our sins and show our contentment with his divine decree.
[Extracted from: 'TRENDS' magazine]

So, let us put these words into practice, gain the momentum and get great results! As what we listen to everyday, 5 times a day, Hayya ala alFalah (Let us strive to victory).

credit : arbivirus

Bengkel Lukisan Kartun Dakwah

Bengkel lukisan dakwah

Hari pertama : 8 disember 2012 (sabtu)

Pada hari pertama para peserta diajar teknik melukis dengan betul oleh salah seorang panel moderator iaitu Mohd Nasrullah Che Halim @ Nasrul  Lagendaseni. Beliau merupakan seorang Kartunis Komik Senyum.

Setelah mendengar taklimat dan melihat contoh teknik melukis oleh Ustaz Nasrul, maka para peserta diminta melukis mengikut cara yang telah diajar. Nak tengok apa yang dorang lukis ? Jom terjah .. -->>

Macam pening kepala je sahabat kita ni..

Serius mereka ni semua berbakat, tengok semangat betul mereka melukis, dan akhirnya muncullah hasilnya :

Pada petangnya pula, kami dilawati oleh penaung besar majalah senyum untuk menilai karya-karya para peserta. Memang amat teruja sekali dengan komen-komen yang diberikan, malah di beri hadiah kepada pelukis yang menyerlah bakatnya pada hari tersebut.

Hari kedua : 9 disember 2012 (ahad)

Pada hari kedua sesi pertama kami diajar cara mewarnakan hasil karya kami iaitu dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop. Tenaga moderator kami pada hari tersebut ialah Siti Ruqaiyah Md Yusof @ Bintu Battuta yang merupakan presiden Geng Kartunis USIM.

Pada petangnya pula kami diajar cara menggunakan Adobe Ilustrator oleh Siti Fatimah Awang@Tem Fatimah. Beliau Merupakan Perekabentuk Komik Upin Ipin.

Terima Kasih kepada semua yang terlibat!!
Jumpa Lagi!!!
Salam =)